
Rabu, April 04, 2012

Complex Sentence

Mari kita belajar lagi :D kali ini saya mau coba membahas tentang Complex Sentence. Apa itu Complex sentence? Complex sentence adalah kalimat yg terdapat satu independet clause (induk kalimat) dan satu atau lebih dependent clause (anak kalimat).  Subordinator such as because, after, since, although, who, when, etc.
Nicky and Fitri went to the movies after they finished studying
            Independent clause                        dependent clause

1.    Cara membuat Complex sentence
There are three kinds of complex sentences, they are:
a.    Adverb Clause
ð An adverb clause in complex sentence gives adverb of time, reason, manner, and so on.

Example :
v When Dina came, I was taking bath.
v Roni came to my house because he wanted to do homework together.
v I followed the instructions exactly as they were written.

b.    Adjective Clause
ð A clause that describe noun or pronoun.
v Teacher who ask you to come is going to give you test.
v The child whom you saw last night is my neighbor.

c.    Noun Clause
ð Explain about information that people think or say. Noun clauses begin with one of these subordinating words: that, whether, if (informal), and question words such as who, which, what, where, when, why, how, how much, how often, how soon, and etc.
v How often do you go to traditional market in a month?
v The government does not realize that many public facilities have been broke.

Mudah-mudahan berguna yah tuk semua yang baca. Selamat Belajar :D

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