
Kamis, Mei 10, 2012

Narrative Text

Hello everyone :D it has been long time i didn't see y'all guys at lesson. Yeah, it caused by my activities were need much attention. nd now i'm free for couple time. well, today we are going to learn bout narrative text. I guess all of you know bout this, but i just try to remind it. OK let's start then.

            Narrative is a text that tells reader about actual or imaginary story as legend. The purpose of this text is to entertain reader with actual or imaginary experience in different ways. Narratives always deal with some problems which lead to the climax and find the solution. The generic structure of narrative text has three components, they are : (a) Orientation, (b) Complication, (c) Resolution, (d) Re-orientation.

1. Generic Structure
(a) Orientation
·         The beginning of story. A scene setting opening that involved the story, who was involved, when, and where was it happened.
(b) Complication
·         Tells the beginning of problem which leads to the problem and followed by other problems of the main character.
(c) Resolution
·         Provide solution to the problem. Either in happy ending or in sad (tragedy)
(d) Re-orientation
·         Closing that remark to the story. It is contain moral lesson, advise or teaching from writer. It is an optional.

some of example of narrative text are Cinderella, Malin Kundang, Nakhoda Tenggang, and so many others :D

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